The Internal Revenue Service enjoys broad latitude and possesses powerful enforcement tools, but that doesn’t mean auditors and agents have the final word in tax disputes. In some cases, the auditor may demand changes to your tax returns with which you disagree, or they might refuse to accept receipts for your deductions. Fortunately, as the tax attorneys at The Bronson Law Firm PC in Plano, TX, explain, the IRS maintains an appeals division dedicated to ensuring every taxpayer is treated fairly.

Through the IRS appeals process, you have the right to demand a review of almost any decision reached by a revenue agent, including:

  • Termination or denial of installment agreements
  • Results of audit examinations
  • Levies on property, including wages, real estate, and bank accounts
  • Determinations regarding repayment ability and personal liability
  • Refusal of an Offer in Compromise

The IRS appeals division is structured to promote fair and reasonable outcomes. For instance, the agents who deliver appeals are independent of those in the enforcement and auditing divisions, and they never interact with those officials. Their role is to find solutions, not present a unified front against a taxpayer.

Taxpayers attempting to appeal an auditor’s decision have the right to representation by a tax attorney. With the guidance of your lawyer and the wide selection of tools available to agents in the appeals division, you have a good chance of achieving a favorable outcome when you disagree with the IRS.

The legal team at The Bronson Law Firm PC has been representing taxpayers in IRS disagreements for almost 40 years, providing a broad range of legal services and reliable results.